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Notizblöcke & Notizhefte

Memohalter mit Notizblock | clip stand memo (sleeping with you)

Notizblock | memo pad (komorebi camp)
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Notizblock | memo pad (komorebi camp)
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Notizblock | memo pad (sleeping with you)
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Notizblock | memo pad (korilakkuma's strawberry days)
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Notizblock | memo pad (korilakkuma's strawberry days)
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Notizbuch | b6sp notebook (umirirakibun)
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Notizbuch | b6sp notebook (sleeping with you)
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Notizbuch | b6sp notebook (strawberry days)
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Kleine Notizblöcke | clear box sticky note (blue)

Kleine Notizblöcke | clear box sticky note (pink)
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Notizblock mit Klemmbrett | memo with binder (komorebi camp)
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Briefpapier & Karten

Karten + Umschläge | mini card set (neko neko no yu, pink)
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Karten + Umschläge | mini card set (neko neko no yu, blue)
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Briefpapier | letter set (korikogu flower tea time)
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Karten + Umschläge | mini card set (okura no kururin cotton candy)

Karten + Umschläge | mini card set (okura no kururin cotton candy)
Sticker & Aufkleber
Sticker | sticker (korilakkuma's strawberry days)
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Sticker | sticker (korilakkuma's strawberry days)
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Sichthüllen & Aktenhüllen

Sichthülle | clear folder with pocket (komorebi camp)

Schreibtischkalender | desk calendar (rilakkuma snake)
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Schreibtischkalender | desk calendar (rilakkuma tweets)
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Klebeband | duct tape (Rilakkuma)
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Stempel | stamp set
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Mini Handtuch (für unterwegs)

Handtuch | mini towel (neko neko no yu, blue)
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Handtuch | mini towel (neko neko no yu, pink)
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Handtuch | mini towel (cloud)
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Schlüsselanhänger & Taschenanhänger

Schlüsselanhänger | bell keychain (komorebi camp rilakkuma)
- Charakter: Bärchen Rilakkuma
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- Thema: "komorebi camp"
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- Farbe: Blau
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- Schlüsselanhänger mit kleinem, klingelnden Glöckchen

Schlüsselanhänger | bell keychain (komorebi camp korilakkuma)
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Schlüsselanhänger | bell keychain (komorebi camp chairoikoguma)
- Charakter: Bärchen Chairoikoguma
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- Thema: "komorebi camp"
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- Farbe: Grün
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- Schlüsselanhänger mit kleinem, klingelnden Glöckchen

Schlüsselanhänger | bell keychain (komorebi camp kiiroitori)
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Anhänger | Rilakkuma Chairoikoguma Omikuji Keychain (Renai)
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Schlüsselanhänger mit Maskottchen | mascot keychain (kiiroitori)
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Schlüsselanhänger mit Maskottchen | mascot keychain (rilakkuma)
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Schlüsselanhänger mit Maskottchen | mascot keychain (korilakkuma)
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Schlüsselanhänger mit Maskottchen | mascot keychain (chairoikoguma)
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Taschenanhänger | hanging plush toy (korilakkuma and his new friend chairoikoguma)
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Taschenanhänger | hanging plush toy (umi-rira-kibun korilakkuma (Mermaid))

Taschenanhänger | hanging plush toy (umi-rira-kibun chairoikoguma (Mermaid))

Taschenanhänger (limited edition) | hanging stuffed animal (rilakkuma x pie no mi, korilakkuma)

Taschenanhänger (limited edition) | hanging stuffed animal (rilakkuma x pie no mi, kiiroitori)

Taschenanhänger (limited edition) | bag charm (rilakkuma x maison de fleur - kiiroitori)
Taschen / Beutel & Portemonnaies

Einkaufstasche mit Kühltasche | mesh cooling tote bag (strawberry days)

Glitzerbeutel zum anhängen mit Bärenohren | rilakkuma sparkly plush pouch

Kleine Kosmetiktasche mit Spiegel | mini pouch (sleeping with you)

Kosmetiktasche | vanity pouch (korikogu jewel cherry)
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Portmonee | tri-fold wallet (shell series, gold)

Portmonee | tri-fold wallet (shell series, navy)

Essstäbchen | cear chopsticks (strawberry days)
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Essstäbchen | chopsticks (rilakkuma simple)
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Accessoires & Zubehör

Schmuckschale | accessory tray (korikogu jewel cherry)

Schlüsselband mit Bärchen | Neck strap
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Spiegel | mini mirror (rilakkuma and korilakkuma's strawberry days)
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Anstecknadel | pin badge collection (sky curling cotton candy)
Stofftiere & Plüschtiere

Kleines Stofftier | plush toy (S) rilakkuma
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Kleines Stofftier | plush toy (S) korilakkuma
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Kleines Stofftier | plush toy (S) kiiroitori
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Mittelgroßes Stofftier | plush toy (M) rilakkuma
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Mittelgroßes Stofftier | plush toy (M) korilakkuma
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Mittelgroßes Stofftier | plush toy (M) kiiroitori
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Mittelgroßes Stofftier | plush toy (M) (chairoikogumas huggable plush toy, blue wolf)
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Großes Stofftier | plush toy (L) korilakkuma
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Großes Stofftier | plush toy (L) kiiroitori
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Stofftier | cuddly stuffed toy (korilakkuma and his new friend chairoikoguma)
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Stofftier | plush toy (new basic vol.2 korilakkuma)
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Bewegliches Stofftier | posing stuffed animal (chairoikoguma)

Stofftier - 3er Set | public bath stuffed animal set (neko neko no yu)

Stofftier - 3er Set | dango no yu set (neko neko no yu)

Stofftier - 3er Set | dagashi plush toy set (dagashi series)

Stofftier | halloween plush toy (magical pumpkin halloween korilakkuma (mischievous wizard))

Stofftier | plush toy (komorebi camp kiroitori (mountain parka and sacoche))
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Stofftier | hand-held stuffed toy (swan and golden flower - korilakkuma)

Stofftier | plush toy (korikogu's flower tea time - chairoikoguma)
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Stofftier | plush toy (korikogu's flower tea time - kumabachi)
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Kissen | super mochimochi komakura (komorebi camp)
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Stofftier | hand-sized stuffed toy (neko neko no Yu - kiiroitori)
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Stofftier | hand-sized stuffed toy (neko neko no Yu - chairoikoguma)
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Figur "relax" | rilakkuma word set

Figur "friends" | rilakkuma word set

Figur "vacation" | rilakkuma word set

Figur "happy" | rilakkuma word set

Figur "honey" | rilakkuma word set
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Figur "sleep" | rilakkuma word set