Boots, in the color “black or grey” from the popular Japanese fashion brand “EATME”. Beautiful boots with trendy buckle detail The edgy shark sole fits perfectly with the design of the boot and gives a cool expression. EATME recommends a pair of button shorts with the boots to create a beautiful and grown-up look that is not too casual, but if your look is more “sweet” and “cute”, then you can also combinethese boots wonderfully with a skirt and high socks.
If you are unsure about the Asian sizes, simply take a tape measure and measure a shoe that you like to wear and that fits comfortably on your foot.
You can then compare your measurements with the values from this guide.
Measurements – Black boots (S): Sole length: 23cm Total height of the shoe: 28cm Heel height: 12cm Platform height: 4cm Widest point on the sole (from the outside): 7cm
IMPORTANT: The top part of the boot (where the zipper ends – see red marking) is cut tighter and is only 25.5 cm in total ! The measuring tape was placed once completely around the boot so that we could obtain the result of the complete circumference. Measurements – Grey boots (M): Sole length: 24cm Total height of the boot: 29cm Heel height: 12cm Platform height: 4cm Widest point on the sole (from the outside): 8cm
IMPORTANT: The top part of the boot (where the zipper ends – see red marking) is cut tighter and is only 26.5 cm in total! The measuring tape was placed once completely around the boot so that we could obtain the result of the full circumference.